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Web Design & Development

Your website is a reflection of your business. A professionally designed and developed website will take your business to new levels of growth and success. Since customers have become online-savvy, ever more sophisticated websites have pushed the boundaries of online business. Simplicity in website design allows a user to focus on the important aspects of the website, such as its message, usability, functionality, and the end result of meeting the sales objective in terms of conversion.

Your business needs to run smoothly and without interruption, so let us provide complete website development and support and take care of your domains, hosting, and e-mails.

Our services are designed to satisfy all your business needs from the outset of the web development process, all the way through implementation and beyond. Your website will be taken care of even after project completion by our flexible, affordable, and trustworthy web support services.

We offer:


Your requirements and business needs will be met by STS’s web development team, who will ensure you are given the best service possible throughout the whole web development process.


If you need urgent website support of out-of-hours, we can provide it. You will have access to telephone support from experienced helpdesk staff 24/7 to help keep your website running faultlessly.


Your e-commerce website has to be on duty for you 24/7. at STS we have proven know-how in managing small, medium, and large-scale e-commerce web development projects with a high level of complexity, so you can be confident that we can help with the process on all levels.


Controlling your own content using a CMS gives you the power to make your site dynamic and attractive to your clients while increasing sales and giving your team the freedom to update information whenever they need to.

Why choose us

Dedicated Website Manager

Our unique advantage over competitors is that we have direct experience in managing various websites, rather than just building them.

Full service team

We have years of experience in the web development industry. We are well known, establish. company and have an excellent reputation for managing all building websites.

We love to meet our clients

We sit down with you to speak face to face about managing your website, We do whatever it takes to ensure success!

Our website projects are programmed and developed in the WordPress format, Joomla, and bure HTML/CSS and offer a fresh clean look and excellent visual appeal for visitors to โ€œstopโ€ and take notice. The โ€œeye-catchingโ€ look we create is only part of our collaborative approach to developing the functionality of a website.